Forgot password (local account only)

NOTE: The following only relates to retrieving your password related to your LimeSurvey account. If you are accessing LimeSurvey using your MacID and MacID password and your forgot your MacID password, you'll need to visit UTS' Account Management Tool.

  1. From the LimeSurvey login page, click on Forgot password?

From the LimeSurvey login page, click on Forgot password?

  1. You will be taken to the Recover your password screen. 
  • Enter your username 
    • This is likely your MacID. If you don't have a MacID, then it is likely your full email address.
  • Enter your email address
    • This is likely your McMaster email address. If you don't have a MacID, then enter the original email address.
  • Click on Check data.

Recover your password screen. Instructions read 'To receive a new password by email you have to enter your user name and original email address.' In the user name field, enter your username. This is likely your MacID. If you don't have a MacID, then it is likely your full email address. In the email field, enter your email address. This is likely your McMaster email address. If you don't have a MacID, then enter the original email address. Click on Check data. You can return to the main admin screen by clicking on the "Main admin screen" link located underneath the 'Check data' button.

  1. A new screen appears with the words If the username and email address is valid and you are allowed to use the internal database authentication, a new password has been sent to you.
  2. When you click Continue, you'll be taken back to the LimeSurvey login screen.

A new screen appears with the words If the username and email address is valid and you are allowed to use the internal database authentication, a new password has been sent to you. When you click Continue, you'll be taken back to the LimeSurvey login screen.

  1. Check your email for an email from McMaster Ethics Office ( which will include your username and temporary password.
  2. Please change your password immediately.