Testing & distributing a survey
There are several different ways to test & distribute a survey. The following are suggestions.
2. Create a data codebook
- Ensure you have a data codebook (suggested for complex surveys). To create a data codebook, you can:
- Use the Survey logic file
- Contact
- Vivek Jadon, vivek@mcmaster.ca, Data Specialist, University Library
- Isaac Pratt, pratti@mcmaster.ca, Research Data Management Specialist, University Library & RHPCS
3. Expire or Deactivate your survey
Ensure you understand the difference between expiring and deactivating a survey.
4. Check the Survey logic file
This functionality is important when you use complex relevance, tailoring, and validation equations
5. Share / advertise your survey
- Make the survey URL user-friendly:
- Use a URL shortener such as bitly or TinyURL
- Redirect a webpage to the survey
- MacSites / WordPress - Use Redirection
- Plone: insert a link
- Check out the Library's Inclusive Social Media resources