How do I force single-sided printing?
Let's assume that you want to print your thesis, a LaTeX file, single sided instead of double sided (which is the default for the main printers), and using a linux workstation that has kprinter installed.
From the command line:
> pslatex thesis.tex
> lpr -P hh303lj4300 -o sides=one-sided
Using kprinter, which allows you to select device properties very much as in OS X or Windows:
> kprinter file.txt
> kprinter
> kprinter file.pdf
Using Adobe Acrobat Reader and kprinter:
> pdflatex thesis.tex
> acroread thesis.pdf
- click File, Print...
- "Printer Command:" should be
kprinter -c
- click OK
- wait for kprinter panel to appear
- "Print system currently used" should be CUPS
- choose printer
- click Properties
- choose "None" under "Duplex"