clj - wired

This instruction is for the colour laser printer in ABB241. The printer model is hp clj4700dn, with one additional 500 page paper tray. Tray 2 is for transparency, and Tray 3 is for plain paper. The printer has 256MB of ram.

Please see below for instructions specific to your operating system:

  • Windows 10
  • MacOS
  • Linux
    • Linux machines managed by RHPCS should already have clj, clj2s, and clj_t installed. If this is not the case, or if there is a problem with the queues, please contact RHPCS.

      If this is a machine you installed yourself, the steps to setup the queues are:
      - Become root
      - Set "Browsing Off" in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, restart cupd.
      - Run these commands:

          lpadmin -p clj -E -v lpd://physprt/clj
          lpadmin -p clj2s -E -v lpd://physprt/clj2s
      lpadmin -p clj_t -E -v lpd://physprt/clj_t