SSH (Secure Shell)

SSH or Secure Shell is protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network.

OpenSSH is the new de facto standard for connecting to unix hosts. The programs ssh, scp and sftp replace telnet/rsh, rcp and ftp, respectively. The ssh/scp/sftp programs encrypt connections so that sensitive information (esp. passwords) is not transferred across the Internet in clear text. All unix (incl. linux and OS X) servers and workstations maintained by RHPCS have the ssh tools installed, allowing both outbound and inbound ssh connections.

To be explicit and clear: ssh or sftp is the tool you should use for logging into or securely transferring files to/from any departmental servers, from both on-campus workstations and from home. Telnet and ftp are turned off on on all unix systems that RHPCS manages (except where there are compelling reasons to continue to provide these insecure protocols).

Typical applications include remote command line, login, and remote command execution, but any network service can be secured with SSH.

The basic command to establish an ssh connection is as follows:

ssh username@remote.server.address