RHPCS Mail Cleaner
To enable RHPCS MAIL CLEANER, include the following line in the file ~/.procmailrc
on the email server mbx.mcmaster.ca
This will enable the following:
1. remove duplicated mail 2. send backscatter bounce messages to a folder called rhpcs-mail-cleaner/bounce 3. send spam to a folder called rhpcs-mail-cleaner/spam within your ~/Maildir 4. send vacation auto-reply if all the following three are true: - directory $HOME/.vacation exist - file $HOME/.vacation/message exist - file $HOME/.vacation/on exist
Spam and bounced mails will be archived daily to ~/.rhpcs/mail-cleaner/archive if you want to change the archive frequency, you can set
mail-cleaner-archive-frequency:weekly or mail-cleaner-archive-frequency:monthly
in your ~/.rhpcsrc